Apparatus applications:
- Electroanalysis (chronoamperometry/chronocoulometry, chronopotentiometry, staircase voltammetry, cyclic voltammetry);
- Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS - GalvanoEIS and PotentioEIS);
- Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) measurement;
- Pulsed techniques;
- Battery testing (galvanostatic cycling, potentiodynamic cycling, etc.);
- Corrosion measurements (linear polarization, cyclic potentiodynamic polarization, corrosimetry - passive layer resistance over time);
- Programming of suitable order of applied techniques (chosen from above) with or without pauses (i.e. for conditioning);
- Multichannel (up to 16 channels, 6 active as for now);
- Cryostat attachment - for measurements in -20oC - 70oC temperature range;
- Possibility of attaching for measurement sample in smaller drybox (in 5N argon atmosphere);
Apparatus features:
- Potentiostat cell control: compliance voltage 20V range adjustable from ±10V to 0-20V with up to 5µV potential resolution and max current ±2.4A with up to 0.004% of current dynamic range resolution;
- Current measurement range: ±1A (with up to 400pA current resolution), with aquisition speed up to 200,000 samples/second;
- Potential measurement range: ±10V (with up to 75µV potential resolution), with aquisition speed up to 200,000 samples/second;
- Refrence electrodes impedance: 10TΩ in parallel with 20pF and with bias current <5pA.
- EIS frequency range: 10µHz-500kHz;
Application examples:
- Transference numbers measurements in lithium cell with polarization or Bruce&Vincent method (PEIS+CA+PEIS);
- Lithium cells passive layers stability measurement over time (PEIS) in temperature range (+cryostat);
- Electrolytes electrochemical stability measurements (CV);
- Battery testing;
- Anticorrosive films investigations;
