Automatic film applicator coater ZAA2300
- accurate and reproducible application of coatings, films, foils, glues and paints;
- adjustable application area, speed, start and stop positions and coating thickness (depending on options used);
- two sides of plate - glass plate and rubber printing blanket for wire-bar applicators;
- 1-99mm/s speed range;
- maximum application area - 400x300 mm;
Universal film applicator with the precise regulation of the aperture ZUA2000
- adjustable gap height in 0-3000 µm range (with 5 µm resolution);
- possibility of indepenent adjusting of sides (obtaining wedge-shaped layers possible);
- maximum film width 150 mm;
Vacuumplate ZPV2030 with the vacuum pump ACC039
- vacuum pump can obtain 150 mbar pressure;
- vacuum plate can keep the presure of 200 mbar at the surface;
- possibility of keeping samples (especially flat) in place during coating of successive layers (also as an option for automatic film application coater);
- possibility of foil applications with screen-printing methods;
