High vacuum drier lines

Vacuum line with full liquid nitrogen trap (Vacuubrand), programmable vacuum controllers and monitors (Vacuubrand). Rotary oil vacuum pump (Vacuubrand) can achieve real pressure up to 0.1 Pa. Apart from the line, integral part of the system is vacuum oven (Memmert) with pressure limit of 10 mbar and temperature limit of 250oC. High vacuum drier line
Three independent vacuum lines:
  • three-stand vacuum line (with integrated small vacuum oven) with double liquid nitrogen trap, rotary oil vacuum pump;
  • three-stand vacuum line with liquid nitrogen trap connected to the rotary oil vacuum pump;
  • four-stand vacuum line with liquid nitrogen trap connected to the two-step vacuum system - rotary vacuum pump integrated as a first step with the diffusion pump (second step);
High vacuum drier line
High vacuum drier line
High vacuum drier line